Forum Message

Topic: Re:Crossing on Upper Richmond Road (near tube)
Posted by: Leslie McDonnell
Date/Time: 03/12/11 08:28:00

I have been advised that the cabling to the traffic signal controller and electrical pillar powering the signals, and indeed the controller itself, all located on the former Capstic's site, were badly damaged by the contractors.

TfL have arranged for a new controller to be installed outside of the affected area. This work is scheduled to be completed on 12 December when the lights will be operational.

I am disappointed that this should be taking so long, and although the lights are not the responsibility of Wandsworth Council shall do what I can to have the delay reduced.

TfL will be looking to the contractors for compensation.

Cllr Leslie McDonnell
East Putney Ward

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Crossing on Upper Richmond Road (near tube)02/12/11 16:45:00 Nick Parker
   Re:Crossing on Upper Richmond Road (near tube)03/12/11 08:28:00 Leslie McDonnell

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