Forum Message

Posted by: james H Smith
Date/Time: 16/05/11 22:29:00

This morning our Sheltie dog was savagely attacked and killed instantly by two Staffordshire type dogs on the Fairground Site, Wildcroft Road which is near the Green Man pub on Putney Hill.

These two vicious dogs were being walked by a middle age lady and were not muzzled or on a lead. After the attack the lady told my wife our dog was dead and made a speedy exit towards Tibbets Corner and would not give her name.  The attack was completly unproked.

These dogs are dangerous and could very easily attack another dog or worse still a child in a pram or a child playing.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of these dogs or the owner please can you post a note so action can be taken before something much worse happens.  Thank you. 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
KILLER DOGS16/05/11 22:29:00 james H Smith
   Re:KILLER DOGS16/05/11 23:04:00 Alison Fraser
      Re:Re:KILLER DOGS17/05/11 10:24:00 T Benson
         Re:Re:Re:KILLER DOGS18/05/11 08:18:00 T Benson
   Re:KILLER DOGS17/05/11 10:25:00 T Benson
   Re:KILLER DOGS17/05/11 10:54:00 Sue Hammond
      Re:Re:KILLER DOGS17/05/11 11:24:00 Adam Tripp
         Re:Re:Re:KILLER DOGS17/05/11 15:00:00 James Trueman
            Re:Re:Re:Re:KILLER DOGS20/05/11 14:33:00 R Lucas
   Re:KILLER DOGS20/05/11 17:54:00 Joel Pyke
      Re:Re:KILLER DOGS22/05/11 18:10:00 Simon Kelly
   Re:KILLER DOGS02/06/11 18:01:00 michelle rafferty

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