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Topic: The gardens between Disraeli Road & Werter Road.
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Posted by: Dave Porthouse
Date/Time: 18/02/10 10:01:00

I live with my girlfriend on Disraeli Road and we noticed this morning that someone has tried to steal one of our bikes which are kept in the back yard/garden area of the property. Our garden isn't particularly easy to access for some would-be burglar/prowler. To do so would involve negotiating a number of our neighbours walls and fences. We moved to Disraeli Rd in March last year and whilst the incident doesn't overly concern me I'm keen to know if this has happened before in this area, as well as to make everyone aware of whats happened. If your property overlooks the gardens of Disraeli Rd & Werter Rd it's really important that you report anything suspicious. Thanks.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
The gardens between Disraeli Road & Werter Road.18/02/10 10:01:00 Dave Porthouse
   Re:The gardens between Disraeli Road & Werter Road.18/02/10 15:51:00 Adam Tripp
   Re:The gardens between Disraeli Road & Werter Road.23/02/10 14:28:00 Emma Raver

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