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Topic: Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order
Posted by: Timothy Horgan
Date/Time: 23/09/20 17:48:00

I noticed online that Bill's plan to re-open on 1st October so had a look in yesterday morning. Imagine my shock, horror and surprise to see a noise-abatement order from Wandsworth Council pinned to the door. Surely not our eco-friendly, tree-hugging, fair trade coffee loving Bill's?

I do not use Bill's as I see that they take deliveries during restricted daytime  hours and to my mind pay only lip-service to "community values".

[Bill's website"While we’re excited to be reopening, our number one commitment remains the welfare of our community and our team as we take these first steps together"].

Welfare of our community? - tell that to the neighbours who must have been driven to distraction by whatever antisocial behaviour forced the Council to take such drastic action. Perhaps Bill's could explain why this was necessary.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order23/09/20 17:48:00 Timothy Horgan
   Re:Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order23/09/20 18:49:00 Ivonne Holliday
      Re:Re:Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order23/09/20 19:21:00 Matt Palmer
      Re:Re:Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order23/09/20 19:25:00 Timothy Horgan
         Re:Re:Re:Bill's Restaurant Putney High Street Noise Abatement Order24/09/20 00:41:00 Victoria Diamond

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