Forum Message

Topic: Patenting of viruses
Posted by: Chantal Blake-Milton
Date/Time: 03/02/20 08:28:00

Those who spotted the patenting of the coronavirus by the Pirbright Institute in Woking, were quickly dismissed as "antivaxers" and conspiracy theorists, with the NYT and BBC issuing denial statements as well as the Institute itself.

In July 2015, the Pirbright Institute applied for a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation of one or more amino acids.

The European Patent Office issued patent no. EP3172319B1 in November 2019 with an expiration date of 23.7.2035.

The Zika virus was patented by the Rockafella Foundation in 1947, currently available to buy online from ATCC, with Ebola available from The Natural Antigen Company, based in Kidlington, Oxford.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
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   Re:Coronavirus / face masks26/01/20 17:41:00 Ivonne Holliday
      Reply26/01/20 18:29:00 Michael Ixer
         Re:Reply27/01/20 10:30:00 Richard Carter
            Re:Re:Reply27/01/20 12:01:00 Ivonne Holliday
               Re:Re:Re:Reply27/01/20 17:02:00 Bunny Payne
      Re:Re:Coronavirus / face masks30/01/20 17:40:00 Bunny Payne
   Re:Coronavirus / face masks28/01/20 15:34:00 Barbara Stevens
      Re:Re:Coronavirus / face masks28/01/20 16:14:00 Andy Pike
         Re:Re:Re:Coronavirus / face masks28/01/20 16:21:00 Barbara Stevens
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   Re:Coronavirus / face masks29/01/20 14:21:00 Ruth Pates
      Re:Re:Coronavirus / face masks29/01/20 17:19:00 Philippa Bond
         Reply29/01/20 22:11:00 Michael Ixer
            Re:Reply30/01/20 11:27:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Reply30/01/20 17:50:00 John Geoffries
                  Re:Re:Re:Reply31/01/20 23:09:00 Heather Christie
                     Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 06:56:00 Philippa Bond
                        Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 09:08:00 Barbara Stevens
                           Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 09:39:00 Simon Knight
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 09:47:00 Barbara Stevens
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 16:48:00 Philippa Bond
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 17:05:00 Bunny Payne
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 17:22:00 David Ainsworth
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 18:13:00 Bunny Payne
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 18:54:00 Barbara Stevens
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 18:51:00 Barbara Stevens
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 21:24:00 Heather Christie
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 22:11:00 Barbara Stevens
                        Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases01/02/20 20:55:00 Barbara Stevens
                           Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases02/02/20 00:38:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases02/02/20 10:45:00 Barbara Stevens
                                 Patenting of viruses 03/02/20 08:28:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                                    Re:Patenting of viruses 03/02/20 15:57:00 Philippa Bond
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases03/02/20 13:34:00 Philippa Bond
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases03/02/20 15:19:00 Barbara Stevens
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases03/02/20 15:51:00 Philippa Bond
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases03/02/20 18:42:00 Ruth Pates
                                             Contagion04/02/20 07:53:00 Chantal Blake-Milton
                                             Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases04/02/20 13:12:00 Philippa Bond
                                                Re:Re:  Coughs and sneezes spread diseases04/02/20 18:07:00 Philippa Bond

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