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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff
Posted by: Lucille Grant
Date/Time: 04/06/18 08:41:00

Thanks Caroline - I'm sure I'll find a copy (I have a huge TBR pile of books already, both here and in Paris!)

I hadn't realised until you mentioned it the connection between Sofka's book and her link with Faringdon House! 'Putney' does sound intriguing indeed.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Peter Zinovieff02/06/18 16:32:00 Philip John Evison
   Re:Peter Zinovieff02/06/18 17:58:00 Caroline Whitehead
      Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff02/06/18 22:08:00 Lucille Grant
         Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff03/06/18 11:11:00 Caroline Whitehead
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff04/06/18 08:41:00 Lucille Grant
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff04/06/18 16:15:00 Philip John Evison
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff05/06/18 09:04:00 Rose Compton
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Peter Zinovieff05/06/18 14:17:00 Lucille Grant

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