Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:RIP Jim Maddan
Posted by: Bunny Payne
Date/Time: 14/09/17 16:49:00

Sad to hear about Jim Maddan, he was a character around Putney for so long. So many people knew him and, agree with him or not, he was always visible and approachable.

Condolences and best wishes to his family.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
RIP Jim Madden13/09/17 10:24:00 Andy Pike
   Re:RIP Jim Madden13/09/17 10:31:00 Nick Gulliford
   Re:RIP Jim Madden13/09/17 13:51:00 Nicola Grant
   Re:RIP Jim Madden13/09/17 14:18:00 Caroline Whitehead
   Re:RIP Jim Madden14/09/17 09:03:00 Victoria Diamond
   Re:RIP Jim Maddan14/09/17 14:02:00 Guy Sunda
      Re:Re:RIP Jim Maddan14/09/17 14:11:00 John Shawcross
         Re:Re:Re:RIP Jim Maddan14/09/17 16:49:00 Bunny Payne
         Re:Re:Re:RIP Jim Maddan14/09/17 21:47:00 Nick Gulliford
            Re:Re:Re:Re:RIP Jim Maddan14/09/17 23:33:00 Stephen Walker
   Re:RIP Jim Madden15/09/17 13:44:00 Leslie McDonnell

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